Central Bank Digital Currency Collective

Learn about CBDC Collective challenges, mission and more

and challenges

Central banks first emerged in the 17th Century as a moneylender to the government and a central clearing house for international commerce. Since then, central banks have proliferated in the global economic arena with new functions and mandates. This evolution is currently reaching another inflection point with the advent of digital currencies and digital banking platforms.

It is common for modern central banks in developed nations to wield a high level of power over the value of their government’s fiat money – legal tender whose value is backed by trust in the government that issued it. This money is fundamental to the functioning of market economies and payment systems. In an increasingly complex world, market evolution and technological developments present increased challenges for central banks. In parallel, they also open up a range of new solutions and tools to central banks and policy makers to address these issues.

Today, there is considerable research and discussion on the role of digital currencies in the central bank playbook. Many reserve banks and financial institutions around the world are dedicating resources and capital toward central bank digital currency (CBDC) projects, and new departments are being created to establish a digital currency leadership position. The goals include broadening citizens’ access to fiat currencies, reducing financial intermediation, and easing the transmission of monetary policy.

An ever-increasing challenge for banks and financial institutions is navigating the complex and growing landscape of CDBC-enabling technologies and platform options. Building an institutional-grade CBDC is time consuming and requires large amounts of blockchain expertise and development that goes far beyond the base compliance protocol layer offered by existing general-purpose platforms. Organizations with experience and expertise in this area are few and far between.


The CBDC Collective is a group of organizations with deep experience in the development of digital currencies and blockchain technology. Together, we provide expertise and educational resources to help central banks better understand the CBDC landscape, accelerate time-to-market, and develop institutional-grade solutions.

Why Join?

By becoming a member of the CBDC Collective, you are taking action to increase your presence in the global CBDC conversation while introducing your expertise and services to potential new clients and colleagues.

You are given access to a private Telegram group to facilitate collaboration and member discussion, and all incoming requests for assistance via CBDCCollective.com are posted in the private Telegram group for review and response.

Each CBDC Collective member will also have their organization’s logo and links to their website posted on CBDCCollective.com.

You are sending a clear message to the global financial community that you want to help improve the future of banking services for everyone by working together with other experts and providers to develop the best solutions possible.

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CBDC News and Articles


A Global Look at Central Bank Digital Currencies

The Block Research – White Paper

This white paper, which was commissioned by KPMG and Blockset, and in collaboration with HashKey Capital, examines the growing body of CBDC literature across central banks and international organization, in …

JULY, 2020

Project Ubin: Phase 5

Monetary Authority of Singapore – Research Paper

Project Ubin has been a pilot program to test the efficiencies and implementation of a central bank digital currency, as well as how it will function as a cross-border payment solution.

JULY, 2020

Bank of Thailand Cryptocurrency Rolled Out for Businesses Before Public Debut

Bank of Thailand – Working Paper

The Bank of Thailand has entered phase three of their CBDC development project, and will soon begin expanding its use to large businesses. Once …

JULY, 2020

A Survey of Research on Retail Bank Digital Currency

nternational Monetary Fund – Working Paper

This paper examines key considerations around central bank digital currency (CBDC) for use by the general public, based on a comprehensive review of recent research, central bank experiments, and ongoing …

AUGUST, 2020

Central Bank Currency

Bank of France – Discussion Paper

A central bank digital currency aims to ensure universal access to central bank money, in digital form, as well as to maintain strong liquidity and a safe, secure payment instrument for all conumers. In addition, the …

JULY, 2020

Central Bank Digital Currency: Central Banking for All?

National Bureau of Economic Research – Working Paper

The introduction of a central bank digital currency enables central bankers to engage with large-scale intermediation in competing with private banks for depositors, while still maintaining their important relationship with …

JUNE, 2020

Next Generation Payment System

National Bank of Cambodia – Whitepaper

A central bank digital currency aims to ensure universal access to central bank money, in digital form, as well as to maintain strong liquidity and a safe, secure payment instrument for all conumers. In addition, the …

JUNE, 2020

Mobile Payments Help People During the Pandemic

International Monetary Fund – Blog Post

This blog post outlines use of technology by various governments in order to deliver benefits for their citizens fast and efficiently. Specifically, emerging and lower-income economies are beginning to leverage this …